Battery made using Aloe Vera Plants


Battery made using Aloe Vera Plants

Friends, can you ever thought that a natural moisturizer and herbal panacea for disease can also generate electricity and power batteries. It's true friends, a Lucknow girl and a Rajasthan youth have proved by using aloe vera extracts and other herbal products to form a 'green e-cell' that is both eco-friendly and non-hazardous. This battery can replace normal batteries which contain toxic materials like lead, mercury, etc which makes soil and water dirty. 

Engineering graduates Nimisha Varma of Lucknow and Naveen Suman of Bundi took aloe extracts, added few herbal constituents used in beauty products and medicines, to make a battery electrolyte. "It's time to go green. Aloe vera is known to heal, but we found a method of generating electrical energy from chemical energy of aloe vera and few other herbal components.

Eco-friendly Batteries

When we asked her that how she has got the idea then she said, "We wanted to do something on managing waste. During research, we found that batteries used in everyday life are hazardous. They are one of biggest e-waste, and primary causes of disease. It was then that we found a green energy solution by developing aloe batteries.

The green idea has earlier been chosen by the US Embassy for incubation. According to Nimisha, aloe vera batteries are non-explosive in nature and can be used in clocks, toys and remotes. These batteries can power low-drain, medium-drain and high-drain devices. It's yet to be patented, but an average cost of these batteries will be around Rs 9-10.

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